Svalbard, Norway

13 min readJun 17, 2023


Svalbard, Norway

Unleashing Arctic Wonders in Norway’s Frozen Paradise

With its awe-inspiring landscapes, magnificent glaciers, towering mountains, and untouched fjords, the archipelago of Svalbard offers a picturesque setting that sets the stage for an extraordinary Arctic adventure. From the majestic polar bears and other Arctic wildlife to the colorful Northern Lights, Svalbard has something for everyone.

Explore the charming town of Longyearbyen, the largest island settlement, and discover its fascinating history and culture. Or, take a boat tour to witness the awe-inspiring scenery and wildlife up close. Go hiking, dog sledding, snowmobiling in the rugged terrain, or try fishing in the icy waters.

This location presents an extraordinary opportunity that will leave an indelible mark on your memory. Discover this enchanting Arctic wonderland’s beauty, history, and adventure.

History of Svalbard

Svalbard boasts a rich and diverse history spanning several millennia, with traces of human presence dating back countless years. Delve into a concise account of significant historical events that have shaped the archipelago.

During the 16th century, intrepid Dutch explorers, driven by the quest for a northern sea route to Asia, stumbled upon the enchanting archipelago of Svalbard. Fascinated by the striking peaks that adorned the landscape, they christened the islands Spitsbergen, a Dutch term denoting “pointed mountains.”

During the 1600s and 1700s, this town was a haven for whalers and maritime explorers who pursued whales, seals, and walruses to extract their precious oil and fat.

As the 20th century dawned, the coal mining industry emerged as the predominant force in Svalbard’s economy. Various mining companies established operations across the archipelago, sparking an influx of laborers from Norway and beyond. These workers settled in purpose-built company towns, dedicating their efforts to the mines that sustained the industry’s growth and prosperity.

Amid World War II, Svalbard fell under the occupation of German forces, who seized control of the islands and established both a weather station and a military garrison. Despite multiple endeavors by the Allies to recapture Svalbard, these efforts proved unsuccessful until the German forces ultimately surrendered in 1945.

After the war, this town became part of Norway, and the mining industry thrived. However, in recent years, the archipelago has shifted its focus towards tourism and research, with fewer people working in the mines.

In the present day, Svalbard is an unparalleled and isolated location that draws global travelers fascinated by its awe-inspiring natural landscapes and captivating historical background.

How to Reach Svalbard

Here are some of the ways to reach Svalbard:

By Air

The main airport on Svalbard is in Longyearbyen and is served by several airlines, including SAS and Norwegian. Flights to Longyearbyen depart from several Norwegian cities, such as Oslo, Tromsø, and Bergen, as well as from some international airports. The flight time is around three hours from Oslo.

By Sea

Svalbard becomes a sought-after destination for various cruise ships and ferries during the summer. Departing primarily from Norway, these vessels offer travelers a chance to embark on an immersive exploration of the archipelago’s enchanting landscapes. Some cruises extend their routes to include other captivating Arctic destinations, such as Greenland or Iceland. The duration of the journey varies, typically spanning several days, depending on the chosen route and itinerary.

Weather in Svalbard

Svalbard has a polar climate characterized by cold temperatures, strong winds, and low precipitation. The archipelago experiences long, dark winters and short, bright summers.

Seasons in Svalbard

Winter (November to April):

The winter season in Svalbard spans from November to April, characterized by an extended period of cold temperatures and darkness. Within this timeframe, temperatures typically fluctuate between -8°C and -20°C (18°F to -4°F), encompassing the average range for this period. The season is distinguished by substantial snowfall, powerful winds, and intermittent blizzards capable of reducing visibility to zero. From mid-November to late January, Svalbard experiences the polar night, when the sun remains below the horizon, resulting in a distinctive and haunting ambiance. Despite the challenging weather, winter attracts many visitors to Svalbard due to the exciting activities available, including dog sledding, snowmobiling, and witnessing the mesmerizing aurora borealis.

Spring (May to June):

Spring in Svalbard is short and cold, with the average temperature ranging from -6°C to 4°C (21°F to 39°F). Some snow may still be on the ground, but the days are getting longer and brighter. This season is a great time to see the Northern Lights before the midnight sun takes over in the summer.

Summer (July to August):

Summer in Svalbard is short, mild, and bright, with almost 24-hour daylight and occasional rain showers. July and August are the warmest months in Svalbard, with average temperatures ranging from 1°C to 7°C (34°F to 45°F). The polar day lasts from mid-April to late August, during which the sun does not set below the horizon, creating a surreal and magical atmosphere. Summer is a popular time to visit Svalbard for hiking, boat tours, and wildlife-watching activities.

Autumn (September to October):

Autumn in Svalbard is short and chilly, with the average temperature ranging from -6°C to 2°C (21°F to 36°F). There may be some snow on the ground, and the days are getting shorter and darker. This season is a great time to see the Northern Lights before the polar night takes over in the winter.

Best Time to Visit Seasons in Svalbard

The best time to visit Svalbard largely depends on what you want to experience and what activities you are interested in. Here are some factors to consider when deciding when to visit Svalbard:


If you prefer milder temperatures and longer days, the summer months (June to August) are the best time to visit. However, if you are looking for a winter wonderland experience with snow, ice, and the Northern Lights, then the winter months (November to April) are ideal.


The summer months present the optimal time to observe a diverse range of wildlife in Svalbard, including polar bears, Arctic foxes, reindeer, and various bird species. These animals are more active this season, providing excellent opportunities for wildlife sightings. However, if you want to see polar bears hunting for food on the sea ice, the best time to visit is in the spring (April to May) when the sea ice breaks.


Svalbard offers a range of outdoor activities throughout the year, from dog sledding and snowmobiling in the winter to hiking and boat tours in the summer. Certain actions are exclusively accessible during specific seasons in Svalbard. Winter offers opportunities for activities like skiing and snowshoeing, while summer allows for kayaking and wildlife watching. Each season brings unique experiences and recreational possibilities for visitors to enjoy.


The peak tourist season in Svalbard is from June to August, so prices for accommodation, tours, and flights may be higher during this time. If you are on a tight budget, consider visiting during the shoulder season (May or September) when prices and crowds m, ay be lower.

Attractions and Things To Do in Svalbard

Svalbard offers visitors a unique and unforgettable experience, with a range of activities and attractions that showcase the rugged and pristine beauty of this Arctic wilderness. Here are some of the top things to do and see in Svalbard:

Polar Bear Watching

Polar bear watching is a thrilling and unforgettable experience you can only have in a few places, and Svalbard is one of them. Svalbard boasts the most significant polar bears worldwide, offering visitors a remarkable chance to witness these magnificent creatures in their natural environment.

Imagine standing on the deck of a boat, surrounded by pristine Arctic waters and snow-covered mountains, scanning the horizon for a glimpse of a polar bear. Suddenly, you spot one — a massive, snow-white bear creeping along the edge of the sea ice, searching for food. You watch in awe as it moves gracefully across the ice, stopping to sniff the air and scan the landscape for any signs of prey. With a guided polar bear-watching tour, you can experience this incredible sight. Expert guides will take you to the best locations for spotting polar bears, using their knowledge of their behavior and habitat to maximize your chances of a sighting. You will also learn about the biology and ecology of polar bears and the challenges they face in an increasingly changing Arctic environment.

Polar bear-watching tours are conducted with the utmost care and respect for the bears and their environment. The times are designed to minimize disturbance to the bears, and all visitors must follow strict guidelines to ensure their and bear safety.

See Northern Lights

The Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis, is an early mesmerizing natural spectacle captive worldwide observerswide. For an unparalleled experience of the Northern Lights in their full splendor, Svalbard is an ideal destination. Situated in the heart of the Northern Lights zone, Svalbard is one of the premier locations globally for witnessing this breathtaking phenomenon.

Imagine standing under the starry Arctic sky, watching the lights dance and swirl above you in an ever-changing display of colors and patterns. As the sky transforms into a vibrant green, pink, and purple canvas, an enchanting spectacle unfolds above in Svalbard. Amidst this mesmerizing display, the only audible sounds are your breath and the intermittent crackling of ice beneath your feet, immersing you in a serene and captivating Arctic experience. With a guided Northern Lights tour in Svalbard, you can experience this breathtaking sight. Expert guides will take you to the best locations for viewing the Northern Lights, using their knowledge of the weather patterns and Aurora activity to maximize your chances of a sighting. You will also learn about the science behind the Northern Lights and the cultural significance of this natural wonder.

Dog Sledding — Woof! Woof!

Immersing yourself in the awe-inspiring beauty of Svalbard finds no better companion than dog sledding. This traditional mode of transportation allows you to traverse the magnificent landscapes, gliding through the pristine snow and embracing the true essence of this captivating destination. Picture yourself bundled up in warm clothing, with the crisp Arctic air in your lungs and the sound of happy sled dogs pulling you through the snow. This is the thrill of dog sledding in Svalbard, where the journey is just as important as the destination.

Experience the thrill of driving your dog sled team, or sit back and relax as an experienced guide takes you through some of the most scenic routes in Svalbard. Glide across frozen lakes, pass through remote valleys, and marvel at the awe-inspiring glaciers that make up this Arctic wonderland. There is something for everyone, with various tours available, ranging from half-day trips to multi-day expeditions. You can get up close and personal with the friendly, hardworking sled dogs.

Here are some popular dog sledding tours:

Green Dog Svalbard

Svalbard Villmarkssenter

Basecamp Explorer

Spitsbergen Travel

Svalbard Husky

Glacier Hiking

Glacier hiking in Svalbard provides an exhilarating and unforgettable adventure for nature enthusiasts and outdoor adventurers. With its vast icy landscapes and towering glaciers, Svalbard offers a unique opportunity to explore these frozen wonders up close.

Expert guides, well-versed in the region’s terrain, will be your companions on this thrilling journey. You’ll confidently traverse the frozen landscape, equipped with essential gear such as crampons and ice axes. They will share their extensive knowledge about the glaciers, their formation, and the ever-changing Arctic environment, immersing you in the story of this icy paradise. As you explore the glaciers, you’ll encounter a myriad of natural wonders. Navigating through narrow ridges and crevasses, you’ll witness the ice’s raw power and ancient beauty. With their ethereal blue hues, spectacular ice caves create a magical atmosphere that transports you to another world. Icefalls cascade down frozen cliffs, offering a mesmerizing display of nature’s artistry.

Beyond the thrill and excitement, glacier hiking in Svalbard carries a deeper meaning. It serves as a reminder of the fragility of our planet and the urgent need to preserve these remarkable landscapes. Witnessing firsthand the effects of climate change on the Arctic environment reinforces the importance of sustainable practices and conservation efforts.

The Global Seed Vault on Svalbard

Located in the remote mountainside near Longyearbyen, the Global Seed Vault is a testament to humanity’s commitment to preserving our precious plant species. Its mission is to safeguard the world’s crop diversity by storing duplicate samples of seeds from gene banks across the globe. This is a vital insurance policy against potential disasters, including natural catastrophes, wars, or other unforeseen events that could threaten our agricultural resources.

The Global Seed Vault is not open for visitors, but you can join organized trips with guides that will take you close to the entrance.

Explore the Arctic Ocean by Kayak or Boat

Exploring the Arctic Ocean in Svalbard by kayak or boat offers a remarkable adventure in a remote and pristine environment. It lets you witness the region’s breathtaking landscapes, towering glaciers, and diverse wildlife. Whether you choose the intimate and eco-friendly approach of kayaking or the comfort and exploration opportunities of boat expeditions, you’ll have the chance to get up close to stunning ice formations, navigate through narrow fjords, and encounter marine creatures like seals, walruses, and whales. Guided hikes on remote islands and visits to bird cliffs enhance the experience, showcasing the unique flora and fauna of the archipelago. However, it’s essential to prioritize safety and plan carefully, as the Arctic’s weather can be unpredictable, and the remote location requires self-sufficiency.

Visit Svalbard Museum & North Pole Expedition Museum

Svalbard Museum and the North Pole Expedition Museum in Svalbard offer visitors a glimpse into the region’s history, culture, and exploration. Svalbard Museum showcases the natural and cultural heritage of Svalbard, including its geology, wildlife, and human settlement. The museum also features exhibits on polar exploration, highlighting the journeys of famous explorers. The North Pole Expedition Museum focuses specifically on expeditions to the North Pole, displaying artifacts and providing insights into the challenges faced by explorers. Both museums offer educational programs and guided tours, providing a deeper understanding of the Arctic’s history and environmental significance. Visiting these museums allows one to explore the past, appreciate the present, and feel responsible toward the Arctic.

Mining Experience through Visiting Gruve 3

Gruve 3, also known as Mine 3, offers visitors an immersive and educational mining experience in Svalbard. Led by knowledgeable guides, the underground tour provides insights into the lives of miners and the harsh conditions they face. You’ll have the opportunity to explore the tunnels, see mining equipment up close, and learn about the pivotal role of coal mining in Svalbard’s history and economy. The visit to Gruve 3 offers a unique perspective on the region’s industrial heritage and the resilience of the miners. Safety measures ensure a secure and enlightening experience. Overall, Gruve 3 provides a captivating journey into Svalbard’s mining legacy, leaving visitors with a deeper appreciation for the challenges and contributions of the mining community.

Experience Midnight Sun

Experiencing the Midnight Sun in Svalbard is a surreal and awe-inspiring phenomenon that captivates visitors worldwide. Located in the high Arctic, Svalbard is known for its unique geographical position, granting it the extraordinary occurrence of the Midnight Sun during the summer months. The Midnight Sun refers to a natural phenomenon in which the sun remains visible above the horizon for 24 hours, never setting below it. This phenomenon occurs because of Svalbard’s extreme northern latitude, where the tilt of the Earth’s axis during summer leads to continuous daylight.

Visitors to Svalbard during the Midnight Sun period have the unique opportunity to engage in various activities around the clock. Whether hiking, kayaking, or wildlife watching, you can make the most of the extended daylight hours and explore the stunning wilderness of the archipelago at any time. The absence of darkness blurs the distinction between day and night, allowing you to immerse yourself in nature and witness the Arctic’s remarkable beauty without time constraints.

However, it’s important to note that the Midnight Sun period in Svalbard is relatively short, lasting from late April to mid-August. It is advisable to plan your visit accordingly to ensure you don’t miss this extraordinary natural spectacle.

Skiing in Majestic Mountains and Wonderful Nature

Skiing in Svalbard offers an unparalleled experience for outdoor enthusiasts seeking to explore the Arctic’s pristine winter landscapes. With its majestic mountains, vast glaciers, and untouched snowfields, Svalbard provides a unique playground for cross-country and downhill skiing.

Cross-country skiing in Svalbard allows you to venture deep into the Arctic wilderness and discover the breathtaking beauty at your own pace. With numerous trails and routes, you can glide through snow-covered valleys, traverse frozen fjords, and immerse yourself in the serene Arctic. Cross-country skiing in Svalbard also allows you to spot local wildlife, such as reindeer, Arctic foxes, and various bird species, as you navigate their natural habitat.

Svalbard’s winter season, typically lasting from November to May, offers ample opportunities for skiing enthusiasts.

